Regulations of the "Rinascentecard" Programme 


Extension of the Regulations of the "Rinascentecard" Programme

La Rinascente S.p.A. (hereinafter “Rinascente”) with registered office in Milan, Via Washington 70, VAT number 05034580968, promoter of the “Rinascentecard” loyalty program (hereinafter, the “Program”), communicates to all recipients the extension of the Program and the Regulations. This extension will not bring any changes to the amount of the Rewards assigned starting from 01/01/2025 and usable until 31/12/2025, nor to the obtaining mechanism and the “Levels” bands.

Below is the full text of the New Loyalty Program Regulations containing the above changes.


Promoting Company 

La Rinascente S.p.A. (hereinafter “Rinascente”) with registered offices in Via Washington 70, Milan, Italy, VAT No. 05034580968


Description of the programme

Collection of points through the “Rinascentecard” Loyalty Programme (hereinafter, the “Programme”).


Territorial area

National territory.


Recipients of the Programme

This Programme is intended for adult natural persons who are registered or who will register with the Rinascentecard digital cardholders "Rinascentecard" loyalty Programme (hereinafter the "Customer/s" or the “Cardholder/s”).


Rules for participating in the Programme

The Customers, by registering with the Programme, have the opportunity to accumulate points (hereinafter “Point/s ” or “R” points), with the understanding that one Point will correspond to one “R”, on their digital card called "Rinascentecard" thanks to the purchases made at Rinascente Stores, through the On Demand Chat & Shop channel and/or online on the website

Each Customer may also earn Points by participating in special promotions and initiatives and/or points campaigns that will be communicated by Rinascente from time to time by email, SMS and other marketing means (if the Customer has opted in to receive marketing communications).

The Programme offers Customers access to various rewards and benefits, as described below.


Programme communication modes 

The Programme will be advertised through online communication, care of the Rinascente stores and through social networks. Rinascente reserves itself the right to advertise the Programme also by other means it deems most suitable.



Registration in the Programme

Adult natural persons can enrol in the Programme. You are permitted to register once only.

The Programme is intended solely and exclusively for end consumers and each Customer may hold only one Rinascentecard. 

Customers who join a different Rinascente loyalty programme are excluded from participation in the Programme. 

Retailers/distributors and/or anyone who makes their purchases in the exercise of a business activity, may not register in the Programme even on behalf of their customers. 

The Rinascentecard is issued only in digital format.

Rinascente may refuse to accept a request for registration as a Cardholder in the event of suspected fraudulent use of the Programme or in the event of ownership by the Customer of a card belonging to a different Rinascente loyalty programme or to the same loyalty programme. Rinascente may refuse to offer or continue to offer access to the Programme to any person, for example, in the event of suspected fraudulent use of the Programme, and may change its eligibility criteria from time to time by giving appropriate notice thereof.

All those who meet the requirements will be able to register to become Cardholders by completing the registration procedure and providing Rinascente with updated, complete and accurate information, as more specifically required in the registration process described below. 

It will be possible to register in the Programme as follows:

  • Online at by creating an account, entering the required data, including name, surname, e-mail address and password and accepting the Regulations. If a Customer already has an account on, by accessing the site through his/her credentials, he/she agrees to become a Cardholder by accepting the Programme terms and conditions and by providing any missing information;
  • At the Rinascente stores, by providing the personnel in charge with the required personal data and e-mail address. After registering, the new Cardholder will receive an e-mail confirming completion of registration with the Programme. The Cardholder can then access their online account at and authenticate themselves using their credentials.

A necessary condition for participation will be the prior acknowledgement of the privacy policy and full acceptance of the Regulations. 

The personal data provided at the time of registration with the Programme must be correct and truthful.

All Cardholders are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their access credentials and other account information. 

The Cardholders are fully responsible for all activities that will take place within their account. 


Updating of personal information

During the registration phase, the Customers must provide their personal data and email address to ensure the correct recording of Points collected. Consequently, the Cardholders are responsible for keeping their personal information accurate and up-to-date. The Cardholders may update their information through their online account at

The Cardholders may be required by Rinascente to comply with certain requests necessary to verify their identity and update their information.


Information on points, rewards and benefits of the Programme

The Programme allows Cardholders to earn Points on the Rinascentecard, on an individual basis and exclusively for their own account. 

The Programme is structured in such a way as to offer certain rewards and benefits upon reaching the threshold of Points corresponding to one of the four predefined tiers, as illustrated in the “Rewards” Section.


Points and Tiers

Following successful registration in the Programme, for each purchase made at the Rinascente stores , through the On Demand Chat & Shop channel and/or online on the website, the Cardholders will automatically receive 1 “R” point for every Euro (1 €) spent (each Point will correspond to one R) reflecting the total amount spent and shown on the receipt or online order confirmation. 

The minimum amount to be spent for receiving points is one euro (€ 1). 

For example: 

  • Spending  € 50.00 will entitle the Cardholder to 50 “R” points;
  • Spending equal to or less than € 0.99 will not entitle the Cardholder to any “R” point;  
  • Spending € 1,523.00 will entitle the Cardholder to 1,523 “R” points. 

In the case of a total with decimal figures, the calculation of “R” points will be rounded up. 

For example: 

  • Spending € 125.20 will entitle the Cardholder to 126 “R” points;
  • Spending € 26.50 will entitle the Cardholder to 27 “R” points;
  • Spending € 623.80 will entitle the Cardholder to 624 “R” points.

The shipping costs and tailoring costs incurred by the Cardholder are also valid for the purpose of earning R points. 

The purchase of a Rinascente "Gift Card" and a Rinascente "Carta Voglio Te" does not entitle the Cardholder to earn R points, while purchases made using a Rinascente "Gift Card", a Rinascente "Carta Voglio Te" or a Refund card will entitle the Cardholder to earn R points.

Rinascente reserves itself the right to adopt additional promotions as a benefit for its customers. In particular, extensions of an initiative, additional bonuses or better conditions for the Cardholders may be contemplated. These conditions will be communicated to the Cardholders on each occasion by Rinascente, depending on the initiative being promoted. 

In the case of purchases at Rinascente Stores, the Points will be earned by using the Rinascentecard at the time of purchase, or, alternatively, after providing the salesperson with the personal data associated with the Rinascentecard. After purchase, the Points will be credited to the Cardholder’s account. 

However, in the case of purchases of products from spaces managed by third parties (for example at the Louis Vuitton, Unieuro, Nespresso space) for which a receipt is not to be issued by Rinascente but instead by the third party salesperson, the Points will be credited only upon request by the Cardholder to the Customer Service at the stores  or by contacting, within the calendar year of purchase, the Customer Service as explained on the website Rinascente reserves the right to process the R points credit within 15 days from the date of receipt of the request.

In the event of purchase of products from spaces managed by third parties, as described above, the Cardholders must keep the document proving the purchase made until the Points linked to it have been credited.

In the case of online purchases on the website, the Cardholders must log in to their account and finalise the purchase; only when the order is confirmed and is sent by Rinascente, in compliance with the General Terms and Conditions of Sale posted on the website, can the Points related to the purchase be accrued. The Points will be credited to the Cardholder’s personal account after the purchase. 

Similarly to that envisaged in the case of in-store purchases from departments managed by third parties, also in the case of online purchases on the website of products in marketplaces for which the sale is carried out by a Rinascente Partner, the Cardholders will accrue the Points corresponding to the total spent, when the order has been confirmed and is sent by the Partner in compliance with the General Online Terms and Conditions of Sale published on the website The Cardholders can check in the product sheet whether the product is sold by a Partner.

For orders placed through the On Demand Chat & Shop channel, the R points will be awarded with the issuance of the receipt relating to that order.

For catalogue orders placed at stores, the R points will be awarded when the final receipt is issued at the same time as the delivery of the product.

For catalogue orders placed online, the R points will be accrued only when the order is confirmed and shipped by Rinascente.

For any problem concerning any failure to credit Points to their account, the Cardholders may contact the Customer Service as explained on the website and Rinascente will resolve the issue and will credit the Points within 15 days from the receipt of the request. 

There is no limit to the number of Points that a Cardholder can earn through purchases. The Points have no cash value and cannot be transferred or sold to third parties. 

Rinascente reserves the right to carry out the necessary checks on the proper participation of a Cardholder in the Programme, for example by revoking Points credited for purchases that do not fall within the intended use of the Programme; in any event, the account may be suspended or closed at the sole discretion of Rinascente. 

If a purchased item is returned, the Points earned by the Cardholder will be deducted from the total accumulated Points. The return of items purchased both online and in stores will result in the automatic deduction of the Points from the account once Rinascente has confirmed the completion of the return.  

In the event of returns, the Cardholder may have a negative balance when the balance of the Points is lower than the value of the returned goods. The Cardholder will not lose the level acquired thanks to the balance of the Points accumulated in the previous year. 

The accumulation of Points is aimed at achieving one of the four pre-established tiers (from 1st to 4th), to which the Rewards indicated in the Rewards Section correspond.

Starting from the beginning of the Programme, each new Cardholder is automatically assigned the 1st level at the time of registration. It will be possible for Cardholders to earn Points as from the moment of registration with the Programme until 31 December of each year, after which the Points earned up to that time will be reset, without prejudice to the possibility that Rinascente decides, at its own sole discretion, to extend the deadline. In this case, notice may be given as follows: at the stores and/or on the website and/or by email. 

Starting from 1 January of each year and until 31 December of the year underway, it will be possible to earn points again, starting from the zero balance.

On 1 January of each year, each Customer, based on the points earned in the previous year, will be assigned to the pertinent level or tier as indicated in the Rewards Sections and will remain at this level until 31 December of the reference year.


Rinascente undertakes to implement measures aimed at controlling and continuing the Programme in compliance with the proper and in good faith participation of Customers.



Multipliers are factors that increase the “R” points deriving from the conversion € 1 : 1 R point and provide “Extra R" points.

In this case, they multiply the R points deriving from purchases according to the multiplication factor specified for the promotion.

Rinascente reserves the right to apply these multipliers at certain times of the year, based on the time period or the store combined together with the receipt (or online order) or according to specific product categories purchased.


For example:

  • For an entire month, there may be a running promotion that multiplies x2 the R points to be earned from purchases made during that time period. A purchase made in that month, whose receipt has a value of € 100, will generate 200 R points for the Cardholder (100 R points from the purchase + 100 extra R points from the promotion).
  • During a certain period, there may be a running promotion that multiplies x3 the R points to be earned from purchases of products in the cosmetics category. A purchase made during that time period involving a pair of shoes (€ 100) and a cosmetic product (€ 50) will therefore generate 250 R points (100 R points from the purchase of the pair of shoes and 150 R points from the cosmetics product, of which the 50 R points from the purchase and 100 “Extra R" points from the promotion).
  • A promotion is running for which purchases made through the online channel multiply the total R points by 1.5. An order placed on the online channel of € 100 will therefore generate in this case 150 R points, of which 100 R points from the purchase and 50 “Extra R” points from the promotion). 

The multipliers are not cumulative. If there are two or more promotions relating to the multipliers, the most advantageous promotion applies.

For example:

Two promotions are running in the same period: 

  • the first promotion multiplies x2 the "R" points to be earned from purchases of cosmetics products,
  • the second multiplies x3 the "R" points to be earned from purchases of products belonging to the shoes category. 

For a receipt containing both a cosmetic product (€50) and a pair of shoes (€100), only the promotion relating to the product category of shoes will be applied, as it is the most advantageous.
Therefore, the points earned from this receipt will be 350 "R" points, broken down as follows: 

  • 150 "R" points from the purchase (€150 = 150 "R" points) 
  • 200 "Extra R" points from the multiplier applied to the pair of shoes.

In the event of returns, the Points received as a result of multipliers (in the purchase on which the return is made) will be deducted from the balance of the Points at the time the return is processed.






10% Welcome Bonus  

Registration in the loyalty programme, by means of taking out a Rinascentecard, whether in-store or by means of the on-line channel, allows the Cardholder to accrue a 10% discount, which cannot be combined with other promotions.

The 10% Welcome Bonus can be spent within the current calendar year, online or for purchases in-store.

The 10% discount is valid for the Brands taking part in the initiative and does not apply either at spaces managed by third parties (e.g. Nespresso, Unieuro, Louis Vuitton) or for Marketplace products included in online orders.


Upgrade Bonus

The Upgrade Bonus will be awarded when the Cardholder advances to a higher tier than the previous year.

It is a bonus that can be spent, online and offline, on all Rinascente sales channels (except at departments managed by third parties) for the calendar year in which it is received. It is granted with a discount or digital Gift Card, depending on the type of Upgrade. and the participation of the Brands in the initiative.

Upgrade from starteR to runneR

When at the beginning of the year the Cardholders are advanced to the runneR tier (from their previous staRter tier), they will receive a 20% discount that cannot be combined with other promotions.

The 20% Upgrade Bonus can be spent online on a single order and in-store in a single day, within the current calendar year.

The 20% Upgrade Bonus is valid for the Brands participating in the initiative and does not apply to spaces managed by third parties (e.g. Nespresso, Unieuro, Louis Vuitton) or to products in marketplaces contained in online orders.


Upgrade to loveR or heRo

When the Cardholders are advanced to the loveR or heRo tier, they receive an Upgrade Bonus in the form of a digital gift card that can be spent in-store or online at The value of the bonus will depend on the starting tier and the finish tier.

If the Cardholders advance to the loveR tier or the heRo tier directly from the staRter tier, the 20% Upgrade Bonus will not be awarded as it cannot be combined with the gift card(s). 

The possible values of the Upgrade Bonus are as follows:

  • From staRter (1) → To runneR (2) = 20% discount that can be used on a single day of your choice
  • From staRter (1)  → To  loveR (3) = Gift Card worth € 50
  • From staRter (1)  → To  heRo (4) = Gift Card worth € 200 (€ 50 + € 150)
  • From runneR (2)  → A  loveR (3) = Gift Card worth € 50
  • From runneR (2) → To  heRo (4) = Gift Card worth € 200 (€ 50 + € 150)
  • From loveR (3)  → To  heRo (4) = Gift Card worth € 150

The Upgrade Bonus cannot be used on purchases made at bars and restaurants, at spaces managed by third parties (for example at the Nespresso, Unieuro, Louis Vuitton spaces) and on online orders containing marketplace products.

If the online order also includes marketplace products, the discount is applied only to the value of non-marketplace products. The Cardholders can check in the product sheet whether the product is classed as marketplace.


Happy Birthday discount

During their birthday week, the Cardholders have the right to a discount that can be spent both in the  Rinascente stores and online at

The duration of the promotion and the value of the discount vary according to the tier of membership, as follows:

  • staRter: 20% discount to be used on a single day within the birthday week;
  • runneR and loveR: 25% discount to be used on a single day within the birthday week;
  • heRo: 25% discount to be used during the entire birthday week.

Furthermore, during the birthday week, the Cardholders are entitled to a 20% discount at participating bars and restaurants in the Rinascente stores, which can be used on just one day. The Cardholders may request a list of participating bars and restaurants from the customer service at the stores.


The Happy Birthday discount is valid for the Brands taking part in the initiative and does not apply either at spaces managed by third parties (e.g. Nespresso, Unieuro, Louis Vuitton) or for Marketplace products included in online orders.

If the online order includes marketplace products, the discount is applied only to the value of non-marketplace products. The Cardholders can check in the product sheet whether the product is classed as marketplace.

The week of validity of the "Happy Birthday" promotion cannot be changed in any way.


Personal Shopper in store

The Personal Shopper service is available in-store for all Cardholders who wish to use it, subject to advance booking. The Cardholders can book an appointment following the instructions available on


Hands Free Shopping

The Hands Free Shopping service is a service offered in addition to the Personal Shopper, available in-store for all HeRo Customers. This bonus provides for the possibility of using the Personal Shopper service even without booking in advance, and of choosing which plan to apply to all purchases. Rinascente reserves the right to temporarily suspend the service at certain times of the year, for example during Black Friday or the sales period.


Free home delivery

Home delivery, from the store, is free of charge for addresses in Italy, in the case of shipping boxes measuring 55x35x35 cm (22x16x8 inches) and if the Cardholder’s daily spending, in reference to offline purchases, exceeds the thresholds indicated by the Tiers below:

  • staRter: daily spending on offline channels exceeding €500;
  • runneR: daily spending on offline channels exceeding €300;
  • loveR: daily spending on offline channels exceeding €200;
  • heRo: absence of the daily spending threshold.

For other shipments, the Cardholder can contact the Customer Service department of the store, which will calculate the cost of the shipment.

In the case of purchases made through the On Demand Chat & Drop channel, the daily spending threshold considers the value of that purchase on the day on which the receipt is issued (which may be different from the day on which the Cardholder placed the order).

Home delivery is never free for purchases made at spaces managed by third parties (e.g. Nespresso, Louis Vuitton, Unieuro) for which the receipt is not issued by Rinascente but rather by the third party salesperson.


Free tailoring service

The tailoring service applies only to purchases made in-store.

For staRter and runneR customers, the tailoring service is free of charge up to € 10 and € 15 respectively. The free service is per item; it can be used on several products (while maintaining the free maximum values).

The service is always free of charge for loveR and heRo customers if it concerns hem or sleeve adjustments.

The free tailoring service does not apply to purchases made at spaces managed by third parties (e.g. Louis Vuitton) for which a receipt is not issued by Rinascente but by the third party salesperson.


Exclusive shopping events

Rinascente reserves the right to organise in-store events, to which all heRo Customers will be invited exclusively. 


Special Promos

Rinascente reserves the right to offer, during this Programme, additional promotions reserved for loveR and heRo customers.

The Special Promos will apply to the Brands participating in the promotion.


Partnerships and Events

Cardholders of all tiers have the opportunity to take advantage of Rinascente special deals and partnerships. These special deals will be communicated to the Cardholders through the advertising material made available by Rinascente within the Rinascente stores or on the website in the "Events" Section.


Complimentary Aperitif

The complimentary aperitifs are a reward offered exclusively to loveR and heRo customers. 

LoveR Customers are entitled to a complimentary aperitif for two people.

Following receipt of the communication of the reward, the Cardholder will be responsible for booking the aperitif at the bars or restaurants affiliated with Rinascente, which will be published on the website

Rinascente reserves the right to apply restrictions on certain days of the year, for example all day New Year's Eve or Black Friday.

The Cardholders have until the end of the current calendar year to take advantage of the reward. Complimentary aperitifs not used during the current calendar year cannot be reimbursed or extended.

The reward will be gifted to Rinascentecard Cardholders who are part of the loveR tier starting from 1 January 2026; the disbursement of the reward will take place starting from 10 January 2026.


Complimentary dinners

The complimentary dinners are a reward offered exclusively to heRo customers. 

HeRo customers are entitled to a dinner for two.

Following receipt of the communication of the reward, the Cardholder will be responsible for booking the dinner at the restaurants affiliated with Rinascente, which will be published on the website

Rinascente reserves the right to apply restrictions on certain days of the year, for example all day New Year's Eve or Black Friday.

The Cardholders have until the end of the current calendar year to take advantage of the reward. Complimentary dinners not used during the current calendar year cannot be reimbursed or extended.

The reward will be gifted to Rinascentecard Cardholders who are part of the heRo tier starting from 1 January 2026; the disbursement of the reward will take place starting from 10 January 2026.


Exclusive line

HeRo customers will be entitled to exclusive customer service from Rinascente personnel, to receive support on:

  • information on orders placed through the online channel;
  • reservations for the Personal Shopper service or free dinners;
  • information on this Programme;
  • in-store   availability of products.


Unlimited return of goods 

The time required to request a return of goods due to "second thoughts" is unlimited for all Cardholders, in compliance with Rinascente's returns policy. 


Processing of personal data and communication

Participation in the Programme involves the processing of personal data issued by the Cardholder when registering in the Programme, in order to allow its execution by Rinascente. Furthermore, in order to allow the calculation of the R points earned by the Cardholders, Rinascente will analyse the data relating to the spending made by the Cardholders and the information related to their participation in events and/or promotions that envisage the award of R points.

During the Programme, Rinascente may send communications to the Cardholders necessary for the performance of the Programme, such as, for example, information regarding benefits, promotions and events that provide for the award of R points, specifically dedicated to the Tier to which the Cardholders belong.

If the Cardholders have then given their consent for profiling and marketing purposes, Rinascente may carry out said processing operations regarding the Cardholders.

All information on the processing of personal data by the Data Controllers can be found in the Data Protection Policy at the end of these regulations.


Amendments of these Regulations

Rinascente reserves the right to amend, within the limits of the applicable laws, these regulations or the exclusive benefits and special initiatives promoted within the Programme at any time in order to comply with legal requirements or if Rinascente intends to modify its loyalty Programme and commercial strategies. In this case, Rinascente will inform the Cardholder of its plans to make such changes at least thirty days before their entry into force. During this period, the Cardholders may withdraw from the Programme, but if they do not do so by the time the aforementioned changes take effect, they shall be deemed to have accepted them.


Withdrawal from the Programme

The Parties may, in any case, freely withdraw from the Programme without any charge. In particular, Rinascente may withdraw or terminate the loyalty activities and the Programme at any time by giving notice of such plan at least thirty days before blocking the Rinascentecard. Before expiry of the above term, the Cardholder may take advantage of the exclusive benefits and special initiatives that may be used under the Programme. After this deadline, unless otherwise communicated by Rinascente, any exclusive benefits and special rewards earned will no longer be usable.

The Cardholders may withdraw from the Rinascentecard Programme at any time by sending an email to


Suspension and revocation of the Rinascentecard

Rinascente may at any time terminate the Cardholder Rinascentecard if it suspects that it has been used in violation of these regulations or the law. The Cardholder will be informed of the suspension and asked to contact Customer Services to obtain further information and provide any clarifications as necessary. If the violation is ascertained, Rinascente reserves the right to revoke the Rinascentecard.

Rinascente reserves the right to revoke the Rinascentecard if the Cardholder holds other cards issued by Rinascente as part of additional loyalty programmes promoted by the latter.




(Pursuant to EU Reg. 2016/679, "Regulation")

Rinascente S.p.A. ("Rinascente") with registered office in Milan, Via Washington 70, 20146, is the Data Controller of the personal data of participants in the "Rinascentecard” loyalty program (the "Rinascentecard Program") collected by joining the loyalty program and by using the related loyalty card.

Rinascente processes the personal data in compliance with the Regulation, the Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 (the "Privacy Code"), the provisions of the Italian Data Protection Authority (the "Guarantor") as well as the opinions and guidelines of the European Data Protection Board (the "EDPB") – jointly the "Privacy Regulation", as set forth below. 


1) Methods of data collection and categories of data processed

In addition to the personal data You directly provide when applying for membership in the Program and requiring the relevant card (the "Rinascentecard"), through online forms or directly at one of Rinascente stores (personal data, contact data, address data, and language preference, as well as additional optional data that may be released when applying for membership in the Rinascentecard Program), Rinascente collects and process the following categories of personal data:

(i) The spending volume progressively realized, related to the use of the Rinascentecard, further information about the date and place of purchase and the product purchased, as well as in case of participation in the "Receipt Lottery", for the sole purposes related to such lottery, the lottery code provided with Your Rinascentecard at the time of purchase;  

(ii) Personal data that You voluntarily disclosed through a request or report to Rinascente customer service (e.g., contact information and possible theft or malfunction of the Rinascentecard);

(iii) Personal identification and contact data related to Your participation in events, promotions, and sweepstakes, held under the Rinascentecard Program.


2) Purpose and legal basis of the processing 

The aforementioned personal data will be used in paper and by telematic and electronic means, according to the principles of necessity, lawfulness, fairness, proportionality, and transparency set forth in the Privacy Regulation, for the purposes and under the conditions of lawfulness (so-called legal bases) indicated below:

  1. Issuance of the Rinascentecard and provision of related benefits and services: Your personal data, contact data, address data, and language preferences are used by Rinascente to issue You the Rinascentecard and thus enable You to access all the benefits reserved for cardholders (discounts, promotions, participation in sweepstakes, invitations and participation in events and the other benefits described in the Rinascentecard Program regulation) as well as to provide You with assistance where requested by You through Rinascente customer service. In addition, Your personal and contact data are processed in order to allow Rinascente to send You service alerts pertaining to the Rinascentecard Program and the Rinascentecard, including purchases associated with its use. The legal basis for such processing is the performance of contractual obligations contained in the Rinascentecard Program regulation
  2. Profiling Activities: personaldata, data related to family composition and purchase preferences that You freely provided, contact data, and purchase data related to spending volume are processed in order to analyze Your purchase habits and carry out analysis and market research to improve the commercial offer of Rinascente. The legal basis for such processing is Your consent. Consent can always be freely revoked within the customer’s personal area on the Site, by contacting Rinascente customer service, or in storethrough authorized personnel. Failure to grant consent does not affect participation in the Rinascentecard Program.   
  3. Marketing Activities: Your personal data, contact data, and data related to family composition and purchase preferences that You freely provided are used by Rinascente to send You through the channels authorized by You – such as telephone, mail or electronic communications, e-mail, sms, WhatsApp, digital platforms – marketing communications. Marketing activities may also be carried out by sharing Your personal data with digital platforms and social networks, as part of campaigns such as “Custom Audience CRM.” Therefore, You may be addressed Rinascente advertisements in the spaces on the pages of digital platforms.

The legal basis for such processing is Your consent given during registration (or subsequently) on the Site or in stores. Consent can always be freely revoked within the customer’s personal area on the Site, or by using the “unsubscribe link at the bottom of all communications sent by e-mail, or by contacting Rinascente customer service, or by requesting such an update in store through the authorized personnel. Failure to provide consent will not affect participation in the Rinascentecard Program. 

In the event that You, when registering for the Rinascentecard Program, have consented to the activities referred to in number iii., and have selected preferences about the product categories of interest, Rinascente may send you also specific commercial offers pertaining to the aforementioned product categories of interest (specific marketing).  

In the event that You have given Your consent for the purposes in ii. and iii. above (marketing and profiling activities) Rinascente may send You targeted commercial offers, such as promotions and invitations suited to You and Your preferences, based on the profiling and analysis of Your data (profiled marketing). 

Profiling and marketing activities may also be carried out on the basis of the cookies used on the Site, as further detailed in the relevant policy.

  1. Exercise of the right of defense: personal data are also processed to enable Rinascente to manage any conduct in violation of the provisions of the Rinascentecard regulation and to protect its rights in court. The legal basis for such processing is the need to pursue Rinascente's legitimate interest (compliance with the provisions of the Rinascentecard regulation and the need for protection in court). This legitimate interest is without prejudice to the rights and freedoms of customers as the processing is necessary for the exercise of the constitutionally guaranteed right of defense.
  2. Fulfillment of legal obligations: finally, personal data are processed to fulfill obligations imposed by laws, regulations, or orders from competent authorities. The legal basis for such processing is the need to fulfill a legal obligation.


3) Nature of the provision of personal data 

With respect to the purposes referred to in paragraph 2., points i. and ii. the provision of the data marked with an asterisk when applying for the issuance of the Rinascentecard is mandatory under the relevant regulation and failure to provide them, incomplete or untruthful communication will result in the impossibility of the issuance of the Rinascentecard or its revocation. The provision of the spending volume data is also mandatory in order to allow You to access the exclusive benefits reserved for holders (e.g., reaching a certain spending threshold allows the holder to participate in prize contests), and failure to provide it will result in the impossibility of enjoying the above benefits. The provision of personal data other than those indicated above is optional and, any refusal will result in not preventing participation in the Rinascentecard Program.


4) Recipients of personal data and transfers to third countries

For the purposes indicated above, Your personal data will be processed by authorized personnel of Rinascente (including the pro-tempore Director of the store from which the data were collected, sales staff and authorized personnel of the Marketing Department, and the Information Systems Department, Customer Service, and the Omnichannel Division), as well as by authorized personnel of third parties acting as data processors (IT and customer service providers suppliers offering CRM solutions, companies offering data entry and mailing services, brands/partner and, in the case of participation in sweepstakes or events, companies that deal on behalf of Rinascente with the organization and management of contests and events, PR company (for participation in events), companies appointed to send communications, including digital platforms that as part of marketing campaigns merely process data on our behalf (e.g., Meta within the framework of "Custom Audience CRM" campaigns).  

When strictly necessary for the pursuit of the above purposes, Your personal data may also be communicated to third party autonomous data controllers such as, but not limited to, the competent Authorities (e.g., in case of reporting theft of Rinascentecard, litigation management), notary and chamber of commerce (in case of participation in sweepstakes). More information about the recipients of the data is available by contacting the Data Controller at the addresses listed in this policy.

For specific needs related to the location of Rinascente’s servers and/or its suppliers, Rinascente makes use of the provision of services also of suppliers – as data processors – located in third countries outside the European Economic Area. In this case, Rinascente undertakes to guarantee adequate levels of protection and safeguards also through contractual agreements, including the stipulation of standard contractual clauses as per Article 46 of the GDPR, where applicable.


5) Retention of personal data 

Rinascente retains Your personal data for the time strictly necessary to fulfill the purposes indicated above in compliance with civil and fiscal obligations of storage and the limits provided by law. To this end, Rinascente specifies that:

  1. personal data processed for the purpose of obtaining the Rinascentecard and the related benefits and services, and sending service communications will be anonymised within 14 days from the revocation of the Rinascentecard and the related termination of participation in the Program under which the above processing is carried out; if there are reasonable grounds to believe that a dispute may arise between you and Rinascente, the data may be retained for up to 10 years after the end of your participation in the Program, in accordance with the provisions of the statute of limitations;
  2. Personal data processed for marketing and profiling activities will be retained according ot the following timeline:
  3. a) generic marketing: personal data may be used, subject to consent, for the purpose of sending generic marketing communications, until the Rinascentecard Program is terminated or consent is revoked;
  4. b) specific marketing: if the data subject has selected specific product categories when registering for the Friends Card Program and has given consent to the marketing activities, the master data associated with the preferences expressed will be retained for a maximum of 24 months from the date of the last profile change or until consent is revoked (whichever is earlier), and deleted within 30 days thereafter;
  5. c) profiling: optionally released data related to purchase preferences and spending volumes, as well as interactions with online users, will be retained for a maximum of 36 months (48 months in case of profiling related to luxury brands), or until consent is revoked (whichever is earlier), and deleted within the next 30 days;
  6. d) profiled marketing: data functional for sending profiled marketing - including personal data and contact details - will be retained for a maximum of 36 months (48 months in case of profiled marketing related to luxury brands), or until consent is revoked (whichever is earlier), and deleted within the next 30 days.
  7. personal data processed for the exercise of the right of defense will be retained in accordance with the statutes of limitations with reference to torts of a contractual/extracontractual nature;
  8. personal data processed for the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations will be processed for as long as necessary under the legal regulations with which Rinascente shall comply.


6) Your Rights

As a data subject, pursuant to Articles 15 ss. of the Regulation You have the right to:

  • receive confirmation of the existence of Your personal data, access their content, and obtain a copy (right of access);
  • update, amend, and/or correct Your personal data (right of rectification);
  • request the erasure or restriction of the processing of personal data in the cases provided for in the Regulation, including where the data have been unlawfully processed or where storage is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or otherwise processed (right to erasure and right to restriction);
  • revoke consent, where given, at any time and without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before revocation (right to withdraw consent);
  • within the limits of the Regulation, receive copies of the data You have provided in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format and request that such data be transmitted to another data controller if technically feasible (right to data portability);
  • You also have the right to object at any time to the processing of Your data for direct marketing purposes including profiling insofar as it is related to such direct marketing and in cases where the processing is based on legitimate interest - p. 2 let. d (right to object)

You may exercise Your rights at any time by writing to the following e-mail address: or by sending a registered letter A/R to the following address: via Washington 70, 20146 Milano (c.a. DPO Rinascente), or directly in the store where employees will either handle the request directly – where it falls within their allowed activities – or proceed to forward it to customer service.


When contacting us, You will need to include Your name, e-mail address, mailing address and/or phone number if provided, and Your Rinascentecard number in order to properly process Your request.

Please note that requests for the erasure of data are subject to existing legal and regulatory obligations regarding record retention.

We would like to remind You that to manage Your consents where given (including revocation) and to change or update Your personal data and profile, You can access Your personal area at any time and use the features available in the "my data" section.  

At any time You can file a complaint with the Supervisory Authority in case of a violation of data protection regulations. For more information:  


7) Contact details of the Data Controller and Data Protection Officer. 

The Data Controller is: la Rinascente S.p.A., based in Milan, Via Washington 70, 20146, P.IVA 05034580968, Phone No. 0246771. The Data Protection Officer or DPO (Data Protection Officer) can be reached at the following e-mail address: or by sending a registered letter with return receipt to the following address, Via Washington 70, 20146, Milan (c.a. DPO Rinascente). 


8) Updates 

This policy may be updated over time, in which case You will be notified.

Therefore, we encourage You to check this page periodically for the most up-to-date version of this policy





Regulations of the "Rinascentecard" Programme 01/02/2024 – 31/01/2025


Extension of the Regulations of the "Rinascentecard" Programme

Rinascente S.p.A. (hereinafter “Rinascente”) with registered offices in Via Washington 70, Milan, Italy, VAT No. 05034580968, promoter of the “Rinascentecard” loyalty programme (hereinafter, the “Programme”), informs all recipients of the extension of the Programme and amendment of the Regulations in relation to the benefits and rewards envisaged.

This extension will not make any changes to the amount of the Rewards assigned as from 1 January 2024 and available until 31 December 2024, or to the awarding mechanism and the “Levels” bands, but will vary in the description of the Rewards awarded starting from 01/01/2025.

The full text of the New Loyalty Programme Regulations containing the above amendments is provided below.


Promoting Company

La Rinascente S.p.A. (hereinafter “Rinascente”) with registered offices in Via Washington 70, Milan, Italy, VAT No. 05034580968. 


Description of the programme

Collection of points through the “Rinascentecard” Loyalty Programme (hereinafter, the “Programme”).


Territorial area

National territory.


Recipients of the Programme

This Programme is intended for adult natural persons who are registered or who will register with the Rinascentecard digital cardholders "Rinascentecard" loyalty Programme (hereinafter the "Customer/s" or the “Cardholder/s”).


Rules for participating in the Programme - Rewards operation 

The Customers, by registering with the Programme, have the opportunity to accumulate points (hereinafter “Point/s ” or “R” points), with the understanding that one Point will correspond to one “R”, on their digital card called "Rinascentecard" thanks to the purchases made at Rinascente Stores, through the On Demand Chat & Shop channel and/or online on the website

Each Customer may also earn Points by participating in special promotions and initiatives and/or points campaigns that will be communicated by Rinascente from time to time by email, SMS and other marketing means (if the Customer has opted in to receive marketing communications).

The Programme offers Customers access to various rewards and benefits, as described below.


Programme communication modes 

The Programme will be advertised through online communication, care of the Rinascente stores and through social networks. Rinascente reserves itself the right to advertise the Programme also by other means it deems most suitable.


Registration in the Programme

Adult natural persons can enrol in the Programme. You are permitted to register once only.

The Programme is intended solely and exclusively for end consumers and each Customer may hold only one Rinascentecard. 

Customers who join a different Rinascente loyalty programme are excluded from participation in the Programme. 

Retailers/distributors and/or anyone who makes their purchases in the exercise of a business activity, may not register in the Programme even on behalf of their customers. 

The Rinascentecard is issued only in digital format.

Rinascente may refuse to accept a request for registration as a Cardholder in the event of suspected fraudulent use of the Programme or in the event of ownership by the Customer of a card belonging to a different Rinascente loyalty programme or to the same loyalty programme. Rinascente may refuse to offer or continue to offer access to the Programme to any person, for example, in the event of suspected fraudulent use of the Programme, and may change its eligibility criteria from time to time by giving appropriate notice thereof.

All those who meet the requirements will be able to register to become Cardholders by completing the registration procedure and providing Rinascente with updated, complete and accurate information, as more specifically required in the registration process described below. 

It will be possible to register in the Programme as follows:

  • Online at by creating an account, entering the required data, including name, surname, e-mail address and password and accepting the Regulations. If a Customer already has an account on, by accessing the site through his/her credentials, he/she agrees to become a Cardholder by accepting the Programme terms and conditions and by providing any missing information;
  • At the Rinascente stores, by providing the personnel in charge with the required personal data and e-mail address. After registering, the new Cardholder will receive an e-mail confirming completion of registration with the Programme. The Cardholder can then access their online account at and authenticate themselves using their credentials.

A necessary condition for participation will be the prior acknowledgement of the privacy policy and full acceptance of the Regulations. 

The personal data provided at the time of registration with the Programme must be correct and truthful.

All Cardholders are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their access credentials and other account information. 

The Cardholders are fully responsible for all activities that will take place within their account. 


Updating of personal information

During the registration phase, the Customers must provide their personal data and email address to ensure the correct recording of Points collected. Consequently, the Cardholders are responsible for keeping their personal information accurate and up-to-date. The Cardholders may update their information through their online account at

The Cardholders may be required by Rinascente to comply with certain requests necessary to verify their identity and update their information.

Information on points, rewards and benefits of the Programme

The Programme allows Cardholders to earn Points on the Rinascentecard, on an individual basis and exclusively for their own account. 

The Programme is structured in such a way as to offer certain rewards and benefits upon reaching the threshold of Points corresponding to one of the four predefined tiers, as illustrated in the “Rewards” Section.


Points and Tiers

Following successful registration in the Programme, for each purchase made at the Rinascente stores , through the On Demand Chat & Shop channel and/or online on the website, the Cardholders will automatically receive 1 “R” point for every Euro (1 €) spent (each Point will correspond to one R) reflecting the total amount spent and shown on the receipt or online order confirmation. 

The minimum amount to be spent for receiving points is one euro (€ 1). 

For example: 

  • Spending  € 50.00 will entitle the Cardholder to 50 “R” points;
  • Spending equal to or less than € 0.99 will not entitle the Cardholder to any “R” point;  
  • Spending € 1,523.00 will entitle the Cardholder to 1,523 “R” points. 

In the case of a total with decimal figures, the calculation of “R” points will be rounded up. 

For example: 

  • Spending € 125.20 will entitle the Cardholder to 126 “R” points;
  • Spending € 26.50 will entitle the Cardholder to 27 “R” points;
  • Spending € 623.80 will entitle the Cardholder to 624 “R” points.

The shipping costs and tailoring costs incurred by the Cardholder are also valid for the purpose of earning R points. 

The purchase of a Rinascente "Gift Card" and a Rinascente "Carta Voglio Te" does not entitle the Cardholder to earn R points, while purchases made using a Rinascente "Gift Card", a Rinascente "Carta Voglio Te" or a Refund card will entitle the Cardholder to earn R points.

Rinascente reserves itself the right to adopt additional promotions as a benefit for its customers. In particular, extensions of an initiative, additional bonuses or better conditions for the Cardholders may be contemplated. These conditions will be communicated to the Cardholders on each occasion by Rinascente, depending on the initiative being promoted. 

In the case of purchases at Rinascente Stores, the Points will be earned by using the Rinascentecard at the time of purchase, or, alternatively, after providing the salesperson with the personal data associated with the Rinascentecard. After purchase, the Points will be credited to the Cardholder’s account. 

However, in the case of purchases of products from spaces managed by third parties (for example at the Louis Vuitton, Unieuro, Nespresso space) for which a receipt is not to be issued by Rinascente but instead by the third party salesperson, the Points will be credited only upon request by the Cardholder to the Customer Service at the stores  or by contacting, within the calendar year of purchase, the Customer Service as explained on the website Rinascente reserves the right to process the R points credit within 15 days from the date of receipt of the request.

In the event of purchase of products from spaces managed by third parties, as described above, the Cardholders must keep the document proving the purchase made until the Points linked to it have been credited.

In the case of online purchases on the website, the Cardholders must log in to their account and finalise the purchase; only when the order is confirmed and is sent by Rinascente, in compliance with the General Terms and Conditions of Sale posted on the website, can the Points related to the purchase be accrued. The Points will be credited to the Cardholder’s personal account after the purchase. 

Similarly to that envisaged in the case of in-store purchases from departments managed by third parties, also in the case of online purchases on the website of products in marketplaces for which the sale is carried out by a Rinascente Partner, the Cardholders will accrue the Points corresponding to the total spent, when the order has been confirmed and is sent by the Partner in compliance with the General Online Terms and Conditions of Sale published on the website The Cardholders can check in the product sheet whether the product is sold by a Partner.

For orders placed through the On Demand Chat & Shop channel, the R points will be awarded with the issuance of the receipt relating to that order.

For catalogue orders placed at stores, the R points will be awarded when the final receipt is issued at the same time as the delivery of the product.

For catalogue orders placed online, the R points will be accrued only when the order is confirmed and shipped by Rinascente.

For any problem concerning any failure to credit Points to their account, the Cardholders may contact the Customer Service as explained on the website and Rinascente will resolve the issue and will credit the Points within 15 days from the receipt of the request. 

There is no limit to the number of Points that a Cardholder can earn through purchases. The Points have no cash value and cannot be transferred or sold to third parties. 

Rinascente reserves the right to carry out the necessary checks on the proper participation of a Cardholder in the Programme, for example by revoking Points credited for purchases that do not fall within the intended use of the Programme; in any event, the account may be suspended or closed at the sole discretion of Rinascente. 

If a purchased item is returned, the Points earned by the Cardholder will be deducted from the total accumulated Points. The return of items purchased both online and in stores will result in the automatic deduction of the Points from the account once Rinascente has confirmed the completion of the return.  

In the event of returns, the Cardholder may have a negative balance when the balance of the Points is lower than the value of the returned goods. The Cardholder will not lose the level acquired thanks to the balance of the Points accumulated in the previous year. 

The accumulation of Points is aimed at achieving one of the four pre-established tiers (from 1st to 4th), to which the Rewards indicated in the Rewards Section correspond.

Starting from the beginning of the Programme, each new Cardholder is automatically assigned the 1st level at the time of registration. It will be possible for Cardholders to earn Points as from the moment of registration with the Programme until 31 December of each year, after which the Points earned up to that time will be reset, without prejudice to the possibility that Rinascente decides, at its own sole discretion, to extend the deadline. In this case, notice may be given as follows: at the stores and/or on the website and/or by email. 

Starting from 1 January of each year and until 31 December of the year underway, it will be possible to earn points again, starting from the zero balance.

On 1 January of each year, each Customer, based on the points earned in the previous year, will be assigned to the pertinent level or tier as indicated in the Rewards Sections and will remain at this level until 31 December of the reference year.


Rinascente undertakes to implement measures aimed at controlling and continuing the Programme in compliance with the proper and in good faith participation of Customers.



Multipliers are factors that increase the “R” points deriving from the conversion € 1 : 1 R point and provide “Extra R" points.

In this case, they multiply the R points deriving from purchases according to the multiplication factor specified for the promotion.

Rinascente reserves the right to apply these multipliers at certain times of the year, based on the time period or the store combined together with the receipt (or online order) or according to specific product categories purchased.


For example:

  • For an entire month, there may be a running promotion that multiplies x2 the R points to be earned from purchases made during that time period. A purchase made in that month, whose receipt has a value of € 100, will generate 200 R points for the Cardholder (100 R points from the purchase + 100 extra R points from the promotion).
  • During a certain period, there may be a running promotion that multiplies x3 the R points to be earned from purchases of products in the cosmetics category. A purchase made during that time period involving a pair of shoes (€ 100) and a cosmetic product (€ 50) will therefore generate 250 R points (100 R points from the purchase of the pair of shoes and 150 R points from the cosmetics product, of which the 50 R points from the purchase and 100 “Extra R" points from the promotion).
  • A promotion is running for which purchases made through the online channel multiply the total R points by 1.5. An order placed on the online channel of € 100 will therefore generate in this case 150 R points, of which 100 R points from the purchase and 50 “Extra R” points from the promotion). 

The multipliers are not cumulative. If there are two or more promotions relating to the multipliers, the most advantageous promotion applies.

For example:

Two promotions are running in the same period: 

  • the first promotion multiplies x2 the "R" points to be earned from purchases of cosmetics products,
  • the second multiplies x3 the "R" points to be earned from purchases of products belonging to the shoes category. 

For a receipt containing both a cosmetic product (€50) and a pair of shoes (€100), only the promotion relating to the product category of shoes will be applied, as it is the most advantageous.
Therefore, the points earned from this receipt will be 350 "R" points, broken down as follows: 

  • 150 "R" points from the purchase (€150 = 150 "R" points) 
  • 200 "Extra R" points from the multiplier applied to the pair of shoes.

In the event of returns, the Points received as a result of multipliers (in the purchase on which the return is made) will be deducted from the balance of the Points at the time the return is processed.




10% Welcome Bonus  

Registration in the loyalty programme, by means of taking out a Rinascentecard, whether in-store or by means of the on-line channel, allows the Cardholder to accrue a 10% discount, which cannot be combined with other promotions.

The 10% Welcome Bonus can be spent within the current calendar year, online or for purchases in-store.

The 10% discount is valid for the Brands taking part in the initiative and does not apply either at spaces managed by third parties (e.g. Nespresso, Unieuro, Louis Vuitton) or for Marketplace products included in online orders.


Upgrades Bonus

The Upgrade Bonus will be awarded when the Cardholder advances to a higher tier than the previous year.

It is a bonus that can be spent, online and offline, on all Rinascente sales channels (except at departments managed by third parties) for the calendar year in which it is received. It is granted with a discount or digital Gift Card, depending on the type of Upgrade. and the participation of the Brands in the initiative.


Upgrade from starteR to runneR

When at the beginning of the year the Cardholders are advanced to the runneR tier (from their previous staRter tier), they will receive a 20% discount that cannot be combined with other promotions.

The 20% Upgrade Bonus can be spent online on a single order and in-store in a single day, within the current calendar year.

The 20% Upgrade Bonus is valid for the Brands participating in the initiative and does not apply to spaces managed by third parties (e.g. Nespresso, Unieuro, Louis Vuitton) or to products in marketplaces contained in online orders.


Upgrade to loveR or heRo

When the Cardholders are advanced to the loveR or heRo tier, they receive an Upgrade Bonus in the form of a digital gift card that can be spent in-store or online at The value of the bonus will depend on the starting tier and the finish tier.

If the Cardholders advance to the loveR tier or the heRo tier directly from the staRter tier, the 20% Upgrade Bonus will not be awarded as it cannot be combined with the gift card(s). 

The possible values of the Upgrade Bonus are as follows:

  • From staRter (1) → To runneR (2) = 20% discount that can be used on a single day of your choice
  • From staRter (1)  → To  loveR (3) = Gift Card worth € 50
  • From staRter (1)  → To  heRo (4) = Gift Card worth € 200 (€ 50 + € 150)
  • From runneR (2)  → A  loveR (3) = Gift Card worth € 50
  • From runneR (2) → To  heRo (4) = Gift Card worth € 200 (€ 50 + € 150)
  • From loveR (3)  → To  heRo (4) = Gift Card worth € 150

The Upgrade Bonus cannot be used on purchases made at bars and restaurants, at spaces managed by third parties (for example at the Nespresso, Unieuro, Louis Vuitton spaces) and on online orders containing marketplace products.

If the online order also includes marketplace products, the discount is applied only to the value of non-marketplace products. The Cardholders can check in the product sheet whether the product is classed as marketplace.



Happy Birthday discount

During their birthday week, the Cardholders have the right to a discount that can be spent both in the  Rinascente stores and online at

The duration of the promotion and the value of the discount vary according to the tier of membership, as follows:

  • staRter: 20% discount to be used on a single day within the birthday week;
  • runneR and loveR: 25% discount to be used on a single day within the birthday week;
  • heRo: 25% discount to be used during the entire birthday week.

Furthermore, during the birthday week, the Cardholders are entitled to a 20% discount at participating bars and restaurants in the Rinascente stores, which can be used on just one day. The Cardholders may request a list of participating bars and restaurants from the customer service at the stores.


The Happy Birthday discount is valid for the Brands taking part in the initiative and does not apply either at spaces managed by third parties (e.g. Nespresso, Unieuro, Louis Vuitton) or for Marketplace products included in online orders.

If the online order includes marketplace products, the discount is applied only to the value of non-marketplace products. The Cardholders can check in the product sheet whether the product is classed as marketplace.

The week of validity of the "Happy Birthday" promotion cannot be changed in any way.


Personal Shopper in store

The Personal Shopper service is available in-store for all Cardholders who wish to use it, subject to advance booking. The Cardholders can book an appointment following the instructions available on


Hands Free Shopping

The Hands Free Shopping service is a service offered in addition to the Personal Shopper, available in-store for all HeRo Customers. This bonus provides for the possibility of using the Personal Shopper service even without booking in advance, and of choosing which plan to apply to all purchases. Rinascente reserves the right to temporarily suspend the service at certain times of the year, for example during Black Friday or the sales period.


Free home delivery

Home delivery, from the store, is free of charge for addresses in Italy, in the case of shipping boxes measuring 55x35x35 cm (22x16x8 inches) and if the Cardholder’s daily spending, in reference to offline purchases, exceeds the thresholds indicated by the Tiers below:

  • staRter: daily spending on offline channels exceeding €500;
  • runneR: daily spending on offline channels exceeding €300;
  • loveR: daily spending on offline channels exceeding €200;
  • heRo: absence of the daily spending threshold.

For other shipments, the Cardholder can contact the Customer Service department of the store, which will calculate the cost of the shipment.

In the case of purchases made through the On Demand Chat & Drop channel, the daily spending threshold considers the value of that purchase on the day on which the receipt is issued (which may be different from the day on which the Cardholder placed the order).

Home delivery is never free for purchases made at spaces managed by third parties (e.g. Nespresso, Louis Vuitton, Unieuro) for which the receipt is not issued by Rinascente but rather by the third party salesperson.


Free tailoring service

The tailoring service applies only to purchases made in-store.

For staRter and runneR customers, the tailoring service is free of charge up to € 10 and € 15 respectively. The free service is per item; it can be used on several products (while maintaining the free maximum values).

The service is always free of charge for loveR and heRo customers if it concerns hem or sleeve adjustments.

The free tailoring service does not apply to purchases made at spaces managed by third parties (e.g. Louis Vuitton) for which a receipt is not issued by Rinascente but by the third party salesperson.


Exclusive shopping events

Rinascente reserves the right to organise in-store events, to which all heRo Customers will be invited exclusively. 


Special Promos

Rinascente reserves the right to offer, during this Programme, additional promotions reserved for loveR and heRo customers.

The Special Promos will apply to the Brands participating in the promotion.


Partnerships and Events

Cardholders of all tiers have the opportunity to take advantage of Rinascente special deals and partnerships. These special deals will be communicated to the Cardholders through the advertising material made available by Rinascente within the Rinascente stores or on the website in the "Events" Section.


Complimentary Aperitif

The complimentary aperitifs are a reward offered exclusively to loveR and heRo customers. 

LoveR Customers are entitled to a complimentary aperitif for two people.

Following receipt of the communication of the reward, the Cardholder will be responsible for booking the aperitif at the bars or restaurants affiliated with Rinascente, which will be published on the website

Rinascente reserves the right to apply restrictions on certain days of the year, for example all day New Year's Eve or Black Friday.

The Cardholders have until the end of the current calendar year to take advantage of the reward. Complimentary aperitifs not used during the current calendar year cannot be reimbursed or extended.

The reward will be gifted to Rinascentecard Cardholders who are part of the loveR tier starting from 1 January 2025; the disbursement of the reward will take place starting from 10 January 2025.


Complimentary dinners

The complimentary dinners are a reward offered exclusively to heRo customers. 

HeRo customers are entitled to a dinner for two.

Following receipt of the communication of the reward, the Cardholder will be responsible for booking the dinner at the restaurants affiliated with Rinascente, which will be published on the website

Rinascente reserves the right to apply restrictions on certain days of the year, for example all day New Year's Eve or Black Friday.

The Cardholders have until the end of the current calendar year to take advantage of the reward. Complimentary dinners not used during the current calendar year cannot be reimbursed or extended.

The reward will be gifted to Rinascentecard Cardholders who are part of the heRo tier starting from 1 January 2025; the disbursement of the reward will take place starting from 10 January 2025.


Exclusive line

HeRo customers will be entitled to exclusive customer service from Rinascente personnel, to receive support on:

  • information on orders placed through the online channel;
  • reservations for the Personal Shopper service or free dinners;
  • information on this Programme;
  • in-store   availability of products.


Unlimited return of goods 

The time required to request a return of goods due to "second thoughts" is unlimited for all Cardholders, in compliance with Rinascente's returns policy. 


Processing of personal data and communication

Participation in the Programme involves the processing of personal data issued by the Cardholder when registering in the Programme, in order to allow its execution by Rinascente. Furthermore, in order to allow the calculation of the R points earned by the Cardholders, Rinascente will analyse the data relating to the spending made by the Cardholders and the information related to their participation in events and/or promotions that envisage the award of R points.

During the Programme, Rinascente may send communications to the Cardholders necessary for the performance of the Programme, such as, for example, information regarding benefits, promotions and events that provide for the award of R points, specifically dedicated to the Tier to which the Cardholders belong.

If the Cardholders have then given their consent for profiling and marketing purposes, Rinascente may carry out said processing operations regarding the Cardholders.

All information on the processing of personal data by the Data Controllers can be found in the Data Protection Policy at the end of these regulations.


Amendments of these Regulations

Rinascente reserves the right to amend, within the limits of the applicable laws, these regulations or the exclusive benefits and special initiatives promoted within the Programme at any time in order to comply with legal requirements or if Rinascente intends to modify its loyalty Programme and commercial strategies. In this case, Rinascente will inform the Cardholder of its plans to make such changes at least thirty days before their entry into force. During this period, the Cardholders may withdraw from the Programme, but if they do not do so by the time the aforementioned changes take effect, they shall be deemed to have accepted them.


Withdrawal from the Programme

The Parties may, in any case, freely withdraw from the Programme without any charge. In particular, Rinascente may withdraw or terminate the loyalty activities and the Programme at any time by giving notice of such plan at least thirty days before blocking the Rinascentecard. Before expiry of the above term, the Cardholder may take advantage of the exclusive benefits and special initiatives that may be used under the Programme. After this deadline, unless otherwise communicated by Rinascente, any exclusive benefits and special rewards earned will no longer be usable.

The Cardholders may withdraw from the Rinascentecard Programme at any time by sending an email to


Suspension and revocation of the Rinascentecard

Rinascente may at any time terminate the Cardholder Rinascentecard if it suspects that it has been used in violation of these regulations or the law. The Cardholder will be informed of the suspension and asked to contact Customer Services to obtain further information and provide any clarifications as necessary. If the violation is ascertained, Rinascente reserves the right to revoke the Rinascentecard.

Rinascente reserves the right to revoke the Rinascentecard if the Cardholder holds other cards issued by Rinascente as part of additional loyalty programmes promoted by the latter.




Last updated: March 2024 































